Gadoi (XV century)
Some information about Gadoi was given in tazkira of Navoi. When "Majolis un-nafois" was being written, Gadoi was 90 years old. According to it, we can say that he was born in 806 (1403-1404).
Gadoi's devon is being kept in the National library of Paris (981). The capacity of the handwriting is 66 pages and it includes 230 gazals, 1 qasida, 1 mustazod and 5 quatrain of the poet. The general capacity of the inheritence of Gadoi's devon consists of 2974 verses. The devon was copied approximately in the late of the XV th and the early of the XVI th centuries. Gadoi's devon (collection) is in the same volume of Lutfi's devon.
Sources: Gadoi. Sherlar (prepared for printing by S.Ganiyeva). T.1965.
Gadoi. Divan (prepared for printing by E.Ahmadhodjayev). T.1973.
Krovnoje Slovo (translated by S.Ivanov). T. 1981.
The published works:
E.Rustamov. Uzbekskaya poeziya v pervom polovine 15 veka (Uzbek poetry in the early of the XV th century). 1963.
E.Ahmadhojaev. Gadoi - Tashkent, 1975.