Pirimkul Kodirov (1928-2010)

Category: Literature of 30-80's of XX century Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Pirimkul Qodirov was born in 1928 in Kengkul village of Tajikistan. After finishing secondary school he studied at the Oriental Faculty of the Central Asian State University, then he did research work at the Institute of World Literature named after M.Gorky in Moscow. He made first step to the literature with his story "Studentlar" in 50's of the XX century.

Pirimkul Qodirov's famous stories are "Jon shirin", "Kalbdagi quyosh". Qodirov's stories are: "Kadrim", "Meros", "Yayra o'qishga kirmoqchi", "Najot". Qodirov's novels are: "Uch ildiz", "Kora ko'zlar", "Olmos kamar", "Yulduzli tunlar", "Avlodlar dovoni". Also Kodirov's play "Insof" and literary-critic novels “Halq tili va realistik proza” have a positive influence on the development of our literature.

The works by P. Kodirov.
Tanlangan asarlar (Selected works). 3 volumes. Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1987-1988.
Avlodlar dovoni, Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1989.
The works about P. Qodirov.
1. Shemuhamedov P. Pirimkul Kodirov, Tashkent, Publishing house of Literature and Art named after Gafur Gulom, 1983.

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