Anbar Otin (1870-1915)

Category: Literature of National Renaissance period Published: Saturday, 29 September 2012

Anbar Otin is a poet who lived in the second half of XIX th and until the beginning of XX th centuries.

She was born in Kokan. She studied at girl’s school. She was taught by Dilshod Barno who was author of “Tarihi muhojiron”. Anbar Otin is a lyric poet. In her lyrics the pure love is glorified. She is a poet who writes lyric poems about soul and feelings of woman.

She made up a “Divan”. Her works can be seen the themes are devoted to the social-political life of that time which reviels of her time. (“Qarolar falsafasi”, “Qoshulub mulki Fargona…”, “Ey, guzal Fargona uzingni kel emdi shod qil… ”). Some scientists such as professor Kayumov L., Husainova F. of National University of Uzbekistan did some research works on Anbar Otin’s works.

Scientific literatures
Anbar Atin. She’rlar. Risola. Tashkent, 1970.
Husainova F. Demokrat shoira (a poet) Anbar Atin. Tashkent, 1964.
Karimov G. Uzbek adabiyoti tarihi. Tashkent, 1975.
Uzbek adabiyoti tarihi, 5 volumes, 5th vol. Tashkent, 1980.

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