Gafur Gulom (1903-1966)

Category: Literature of 30-80's of XX century Published: Sunday, 29 September 2013

Gafur Gulom was born in Tashkent in 1903. He took an education at an old Rus-tuzem schools, then he studied at teacher's training course. He came to literature with his poem "Guzallik nimada". He developed Uzbek poetry with new conceptions and methods by his collection of poems "Tirik qo`shiqlar", "Dinamo", "Sharkdan kelayotirman", "Sarhisob".

Gafur Gulom opened bold glance in raising main problems of his time, deepening on human sense and in finding or original description in the history of Uzbek literature. His poems "Sen yetim emassan", "Men yahudiy", "Soginish", "Bizning ko'chada ham bayram bo'lajak", "Yigitlarga", "Vaqt", "Suv va nur", "Kani mening yulduzim" were the great event in the Uzbek poetry and brought the glory of literature to the foreign countries.

Gafur Gulom was famous as a skilled novelist. His novels "Tirilgan Murda", "Netay", "Yodgor", "Shum bola" and many other stories were great event in our literature.

Gafur Gulom's novels:
Novels. 12 volume. Tashkent "Fan" 1970-1978

Published works about G. Gulom.
Yakubov H. "Gafur Gulom" Tashkent, "Uzadabiy nashr" 1959.
Mamajonov S. "Shoir va zamonaviylik” (Poet and contempolaneity). Tashkent, "Fan", 1963.
Sharafiddinov O. Xalq baxtining otashin kuychisi. Kitobda G’afur G’ulom. Asarlar, 10 tom, T.: Adabiyot va san’at nashriyoti, 1978, 180-229.

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